ReStore Shopper Serenades Customers on a Saturday

Thank you to Stephanie Ham, AmeriCorps Member in our Volunteers department for sharing this with us:

This past Saturday, a customer named Marcy sat down at one of the pianos for sale in our Gardena ReStore and started playing for everyone. She was amazing! It felt like you were shopping in a high-end department store. 

The piano she was playing is only $50 too! Marcy is a frequent ReStore customer and fabulous piano player.  Here's a picture of our Saturday Serenader.

Save 10% at the ReStores with code: RESTORE10

August is the 8th Anniversary for our Gardena ReStore and 2nd Anniversary for our Norwalk ReStore, so to celebrate we are offering a 10% discount all month.  

Simply mention RESTORE10 at either location throughout the month of August 2012 and receive 10% off at check-out. 

It's our small way of saying Thank You!

Related Posts:
Roxley Pratt - ReStore Volunteer Spotlight
Deconstructing with Ed Begley, Jr.
How to Donate Goods to our ReStores

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