A Brush with Kindness seeks to help low-income homeowners restore their homes so they can continue to live in a safe, decent and affordable home while bringing volunteers together to live out their values by helping a homeowner in need. A Brush with Kindness entails a lot of different type of work. The program includes landscaping, exterior paint and minor home repair. With the help of volunteers. A Brush with Kindness preserves housing stock in the Greater Los Angeles area with the help of volunteers. To find out more info about the program and how you can spend a day helpingA Brush With Kindness, contact us! By simply picking up a paintbrush you can change your community!
Read more about 21 Ways you can help Habitat
Tip #1: Go Shopping
Tip #2: Have a Yard Sale
Tip #3: Write a Check
Tip #4: Donate you Car
Tip #5: Donate Building Supplies
Tip #6: A Brush With KindnessLabels: building a greater los angeles, Construction, donation, habitat for humanity, Habitat for Humanity internship, home improvement store, home ownership, los angeles, tax write-off, volunteer