Volunteer Spotlight: Lauren Morris

Guest Post by Habitat for Humanity of Greater L.A. Volunteer, Lauren Morris

When I first picked up a hammer in 2005 I thought I knew what I was doing. Turns out it was much harder than I expected! With some great teachers I learned the trick to hammering, putting shingles on a roof and building fences. My experience with the organization began in Alfred, NY when I joined a Habitat for Humanity club at Alfred University. This led to three years of me spending my spring breaks in Deland, FL participating in Blitz Builds. Every year that we would make the trip down, we made a point of visiting the homes that we had built in previous years. I was always overcome with emotion seeing the homes lived-in and on occasion having the opportunity to say hello to the new homeowners and hear firsthand how their homes had changed their lives thus far.

After college I was living in Northern, VA and participated in a couple of local builds. Finally, I have ended up in Los Angeles where I find myself participating in the local Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles (HFH GLA) builds. Of all the volunteer opportunities I've been involved with Habitat for Humanity remains my favorite volunteer opportunity. Every time I participate I feel empowered and learn something new and all the while I'm doing something for a greater good. If you would like to join me out on a build site, click here for volunteer opportunities.

More about me: I am a 25 year old living in West L.A. working in the entertainment industry. My ultimate goal is to help others and make people happy. I have been volunteering for the past 11 years in some way or another and I don't intend to stop!

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