HFH GLA AmeriCorps members 2010-2011 |
On February 19th, the House of Representatives passed legislation that would eliminate the Corporation for National and Community Service, as well as its programs.
The House's vote is just one step in the legislative process. The next step is to provide the Senate and the President opportunities to shape and influence the final spending package. This is good news that means we can still save service in America! There are three ways to help:
1.) Call your representative and tell them that you oppose H.R.1 and explain what services will be lost in your community.
2.) Call your senators and ask them to pass a Continuing Resolution that restores funding for the corporation for National and Community Service.
3.) Sign a petition here.
Click here to find instructions and talking points for calling the House and Senate.
Programs that could potentially be eliminated include AmeriCorps, Senior Corps and Teach for America. All of these programs are important because of the educational, economic and housing support they bring to individuals and families in need. Not only do these programs bring necessary services to some of America's hardest hit communities, they also help Americans struggling to find work. Participants receive stipends and the chance to learn new skills in return for their service. Eliminating these programs will definitely have an effect on unemployment rates. Unemployment numbers, especially for young people and older Americans, remain very high.
There will also be a profound impact on Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles (HFH GLA) and the people we serve. AmeriCorps members voluntarily serve in critical roles within our affiliate, as well as other affiliates nationwide and possibly globally as well. Their service allows us to serve more families and individuals, which in turn helps to strengthen the economic foundation of our country.
To cease funding of this program, could seriously hinder our efforts to continue to provide housing to families and individuals who typically are unable to compete in an already saturated and damaged real estate market.
Please join us to save service in America!
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