In fact, go eBay crazy!!! Clean out your closets, drawers, cars and basements and sell, sell, sell for Habitat!

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles is an official non-profit on eBay Giving Works, which means any time you list an item on eBay, you can designate a portion of or the entire sales amount to go to our building efforts, right here in our community. In the past year, eBay sellers have helped raise hundreds of dollars to help build affordable housing, one auction at a time.

Rather than tossing out an old cell phone, pair of shoes, watch or other valuable item, why not go the extra mile and help your community? You can give 10% or 100% of your sales price to help hardworking families live in decent, safe homes.

It's as easy as creating a listing, and you'll boost your business and get a pro-rated fee credit when your item sells. It’s a win-win all the way around. Plus you can brag to all your friends about the money you're raising to help Habitat Build a Greater Los Angeles!

So gather up any unused electronics, clothing, jewelry, lamps, and accessories to help a worthy cause – your community!

Change the way you use eBay and change lives. If you have any questions about eBay Giving Works, please email us.

Read ALL the ways you can make a difference with Habitat:

Tip #1: Go Shopping
Tip #2: Have a Yard Sale
Tip #3: Write a Check
Tip #4: Donate a Vehicle
Tip #5: Donate Building Materials
Tip #6: A Brush with Kindness
Tip #7: Donate to our Home Store

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